Hey, everyone!
Wow, it's been a long time since my last post. In any case, I have some good news to share.
As I mentioned a while back, I submitted my revised manuscript of The Cardorian Complex to be reviewed by professional critics. Specifically, I submitted a copy to Kirkus Indie, BlueInk, and Foreword Clarion. They've all responded within the last several weeks, and all three reactions have been positive. All three reviewers did have their fair share of criticisms, as I expected (but hoped to avoid), but nonetheless, this means I will be able to add blurbs to the back cover and to my website to boost my novel's credibility and marketability.
Here are the blurbs you may see popping around...
"...Baker offers solid prose and strong characterization..." —Kirkus Reviews
"...a complex psychological fantasy." — BlueInk Review
"Thoughtful and character-focused, The Cardorian Complex mixes diverse elements into its young adult mystery." — Foreword Clarion Reviews
The cover is still being finalized as we speak. I've posted updated drafts on my Instagram feed @jtaylorbaker to keep everyone updated. We're getting close to the final version, but there are still a few more things I want adjusted before I'm ready to sign off.
Oh, and also, I finally took the time to design the logo for Eagle Cliff Press. Here it is:

That's it for today. If you want to stay updated, you can click the "sign up" button and be notified whenever I post a new blog entry. You can also subscribe to my newsletter by visiting my website at www.jtaylorbaker.com.
Signing off,