What's up, everyone?
It's been a long time since my last post, to say the very least, but luckily I have some exciting updates. After coming back from a family trip to New York, I was able to finish my final edits for The Cardorian Complex. After getting some great feedback from Chersti Nieveen, I went over my manuscript a grand total of four times to polish the story and the characters, check for typos, etcetera, and I was able to meet my September 1st deadline!
I sent a copy of my manuscript to Chris and Claire from Eight Little Pages, who will be working on the cover and the interior formatting for the next two months. Furthermore, I also sent a copy of my manuscript to Kirkus for a (hopefully positive) review to add to the back cover. If everything goes according to schedule, I will have the review and the cover files by early November.
As it stands now, there is still more I can do to prepare during these next two months. One, I am considering purchasing a second round of reviews from BlueInk and Foreword Clarion, but I'm waiting until I can pay off my August bank statement before I verify if this is something I want to spend my money on, especially since the reviews are not guaranteed to be positive. I'm also considering submitting The Cardorian Complex to another literary contest, in the hopes that I can acquire some more accolades to add to the cover and add some prestige before it hits the shelves next May. And as always, I'm going to spend as much time as I can doing research so that when I have a tangible copy of my book, I'm prepared to handle the business side of things. Luckily, I still have about nine months to figure out all the minor details, and since I have most of September off before classes start, I should get a lot of work done if I optimize my time.
I'll try to post more regularly now that a lot more is happening behind the scenes. If you liked what you've seen here, feel free to sign up for my blog and be notified whenever I post new content. You can also like my Facebook fan page or follow me on Twitter @JTaylorBaker.
Signing off,